
Part I: Agenda 2030: The Sustainable Development Goals


Sep 1, 2016

Back at the turn of the century, the United Nations adopted 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) focusing on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empowerment of women, reduce child mortality rates, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensure environment sustainability and develop a global partnership of future development.

Not all the goals were completed by 2015, but you can see the progress here.

On September 25, 2015, 193 members of The United Nations agreed upon 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. These 17 goals build upon the progress of the 8 Millennial Development Goals:

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Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals here.

“Your journey with The GREEN Program is part of a larger mission goal toward a healthier planet and future.”

With the official launch of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), moving forward, The GREEN Team pledges to do our part to help propel these Global Goals forward in order to help accomplish this 2030 global agenda. We will continue to develop short-term programs abroad for university students focused on the SDGs including topics related to renewable energy, water resource management, sustainable design, and urban regeneration. Your journey with The GREEN Program is part of a larger mission goal toward a healthier planet and future. We are excited that you will be joining us as we continue on our adventure towards a more sustainable future together.

Part I Actionable Items:

  • Learn more about the SDG’s directly from UN Senior Advisor, Jeffrey Sachs, and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), enroll in SDSNedu’s free course
  • The GREEN Program requires you to watch the first six videos before your program. This should take you about 60 minutes to complete; the videos are each 10 minutes long.
  • Get ready for your adventure: Watch our video, “Dear World: Meet Agenda 2030”:

Next: Go to “Part II: Stop Wishing, Start Doing: The Importance of Self-motivation”

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