
Meet Camila: a GREEN HERO for Sustainable Development


Nov 10, 2016

In collaboration with GoPro For a Cause, dedicated to worldwide inspiration through social impact-driven storytelling, The GREEN Program believes that we all have a unique story worth telling. In fact, we want to help you share it with the world!

We’d like you to meet Camila, the winner of our “Be a HERO for Sustainable Development” GREEN Adventure Pack raffle & giveaway. She will be joining us in Peru for our upcoming Water Resource Management & Sustainable Practices this January! Read more to learn about her story and why she’s a HERO for sustainable development.

Camila is currently a Mechanical Engineering student at University of Texas, Austin. She recently returned to UT’s campus after studying abroad in Italy, is a representative of her Student Engineering Council & Equal Opportunity in Engineering Program, and is an active member of a competitive rowing team. However, her interest in water extends beyond athletics. Her hard-working character and passion for water resource management stems from her mother and home country of Bolivia.

“Currently, Bolivia is riddled with extensive problems, from dangerously unorganized city wiring to poor waste management, and most important of all there is no reliable source of potable water. As a result, I intend to utilize the specialized education I receive to specifically help developing countries, like Bolivia, establish a reliable source of energy and water. I hope to promote the study of engineering to others so that there will be a larger specialized workforce to aid in finding a creative solution for this imperative problem. By attending this study abroad, I will be immersing myself in the best environment, all the while sharing the experience with people just as passionate about sustainability as I am.”

Didn’t win our Hero for Sustainable Development raffle? 

We’d still love to adventure with you!

This month through the holiday season we’re planning for some extra special offers and reduced program fees so if you haven’t yet applied, now is the perfect time.  There’s no commitment and you’ll hear a response within 24 to 48 hours on your application. 

Become a GREEN Influencer 
We are also thrilled to announce the launch of our GREEN Influencer Program where you can now earn a GREEN Program for free for helping share our mission. Visit here to learn more and sign up in seconds.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Camila’s #onlyontheGREENprogram journey this winter!

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