Empowering Community College Faculty in Cutting Edge Renewable Energy and Electrification with the CREATE Energy Center and the National Science Foundation

Empowering Community College Faculty in Cutting Edge Renewable Energy and Electrification with the CREATE Energy Center and the National Science Foundation

This past June in Iceland, The GREEN Program (TGP), in partnership with NSF-funded CREATE Energy Center developed a new program in Iceland for technical educators and faculty at community colleges across the United States who teach courses in renewable energy. The program examined Iceland’s clean energy and electric transportation sectors, and specifically, the role that national policy, municipal government initiatives, and emerging technology demonstration projects have played in the development of Iceland’s electric transportation ecosystem. Read on to learn more!

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Are you ready to go GREEN?

Your first step is to complete and submit an application. Upon acceptance, a TGP member will reach out to you with your next steps for enrollment. We look forward to traveling with you soon! (Please note that spots fill on a first-come, first-serve basis.)

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